Concealed Hardware System Columbarium

Oscar Marta columbarium fabrication process allows for endless options for custom columbaria.

Whether for interior or exterior spaces, a custom-built columbarium can be designed to relate to the existing architecture of your space, by utilizing appropriate materials, shapes, and styles.

A custom columbarium can either be mounted against an existing wall or be a free-standing structure.

An Oscar Marta columbarium is self-supporting and requires no additional structural support.

Free-standing columbaria can be single or double sided.

Oscar Marta Columbaria has been involved in the design, fabrication, and installation of a variety of exterior custom-built columbaria throughout Europe.

Some of these designs have been installed in more traditional locations, others in less traditional spaces.

Cemeteries were the first major market that Oscar Marta Columbaria approached with its concealed hardware system and columbarium product.

With the increase in cremation, along with cemetery land area becoming more scarce, forward thinking cemeteries have made plans for exterior custom-built columbaria.


With cremation, the market for non-traditional burial options has changed dramatically.

At one time burial was the exclusive domain of cemeteries.

Now, with cremation as a burial option, Oscar Marta has had requests for custom-built columbaria at the most important Italian and European cemeteries.


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